Read My Mind

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Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Ann Coulter: The Idiot Without a Clue
Ann Coulter has truly disgusted me. I think I even through up in my mouth a little bit while I was research her and while I watched her on Larry King Live last night. I was so sick and disturbed.You have to check out this article. The more I do commentaries, the more I wonder get scared. I can't understand some people in this world.
Do you believe that she is as I've described her? What are your views of her?
Rosko's Commentary
My Intellectual Mind
Check out the website and the forums!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
BAM Equals 'Black A** Monkey'
Racism is rampant in the US. It is so rampant that the news media is doing it. I just wrote a commentary on my website that you NEED to see. It is horrific what I've found. I had no choice but to write about it.I'm SOOOOOOOO disgusted!!!
Rosko's Commentary
The Best Commentaries Ever
My Intellectual Mind is doing well. The site has added commentary sections. You can find commentaries by me, Micah and Maya. These unique views are HOT!!! Check it out!!!Below are the direct links to each commentator's page:
Rosko's Commentary
Micah's Commentary
Maya's Commentary
Below are some of the most recent commentary titles:
Facebook's Version of the Patriot Act by Rosko 2/18/09
Better to be a SLAVE and know JESUS than to be FREE and NO JESUS... by Micah 2/17/09
Submission by Maya 2/17/09
The Continued Money Maker: Slavery by Rosko 2/17/09
I'm 13 and a father, but they make the same claim by Rosko 2/17/09
NEWS FLASH!!! The Victorian Age is long over... by Micah 2/17/09
Matters of the Heart by Maya 2/16/09
Who Said Obama Had a Bad Month? by Micah 2/16/09
If You're Against the Stimulus Bill, Don't Accept It!!! by Rosko 2/16/09
So, when you get the time, stop by. You'll enjoy all the site has to offer. I know I do.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The Blago and Burris Connection: Something Smells Fishy
Burris said that he was asked to raise funds for Blago by Blago's brother, but he declined. He said that he wanted to be transparent so he submitted an affidavit after he already testified. It looks a little fishy to me. I bet if Blago was still governor and was running for re-election, Burris would have been right there.Burris: Blagojevich's brother asked me to help raise funds
Friday, February 13, 2009
Would You Like to be a MIM Commentator of Sorts?
I am looking to create new sections to the website, such as a Home and Garden section, Gaming News section, News section, Entertainment News, etc. Of course, I am not going to put all of them there, but it would be nice and give a new flare to the site. If you have a special interest and would like to be have your input on the site, submit an email to with the title, "Site Collaboration." If selected, you would be able to have a page that you would update with new information and such.Rosko
Check out the website and the forums!!!
Dr. Rosko Needs Your Help
Dr. Rosko is running low on Dear Rosko submission. Please help Dr. Rosko out by submitting some questions you would like to get answered. You can post them here, email them to Dear_Rosko@MyIntellectualMind. com or post it in the MIM Forums.Thank you in advance for your help.
Check out the website and the forums!!!
Ghetto Idiots in Charge of Detroit
Freaking idiots. Detroit has the most ghetto people in charge. The top two people now: Ken Cockrel and Monica Conyers had an argument when they both were on the city council with Conyers calling Cockrel, "Shrek!" Now, Cockrel is beefing again with Freeman Hendrix. Make sure you check out the video. It's so crazy.Cockrel, Hendrix Trade Jabs at Public Forum
Below is from the website above:
DETROIT - Two mayoral candidates took off the gloves at the end of public forum.
Check out this video sent to FOX 2 by Great Faith Ministries Perfecting Church. The forum was called the 'Detroit for Change Social Policy Forum,' but the mood was anything but social after former Deputy Mayor Freman Hendrix took some pointed shots at current Mayor Ken Cockrel Jr.
Cockrel fired back at Hendrix as the crowd left the building.
Prior to the fireworks, candidates were given the chance to address voters on economics, health care, education and revitilization of the city.
Detroit's special primary election will take place on February 24.
Check out the website and the forums!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
To Fellow MIM-ers
To Fellow MIM-ersWednesday, February 11, 2009
My Intellectual Mind (MIM) was an ideal created in my mind, which came to fruition on February 3, 2007 when I created a group on a certain social site. That group has been a booming success, so I decided to expand and give others the opportunity to enjoy what's within the doors of MIM. MIM has a vision that touches all people in all walks of life. It is an ideal that focuses on learning, respect, personal accountability and responsibility.
MIM is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The members have made MIM what it is. MIM had no chance of being what it is today without the input from all that has come through the MIM doors. Many still participate on a regular basis. Others come and go and then come back. Some come only for a time and a season. I just pray that MIM has touched at least one person in a positive way....
To read more, go to: Read My Mind: The Blog
You can go and vote on it in the MIM Forums
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Thank You
I just want to thank each and every one of you that visited MIM. The site has hit a record number of hits today. Thank you.The site has grown. We now have a forum to make it more interactive. It gives you a way to comment on the blogs and more. Feel free to sign up on the mailing list to receive the weekly newsletter.
I also want to thank everyone for taking the time to read my blogs here and there. I feel so special.
Thank you again,
My Intellectual Mind
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Family Is Useless
Family Is UselessSunday, February 8, 2009
Growing up, you are often told that family is all you have. You hear the saying, “Blood is thicker than water.” You are told that family will always be there for you. But is that really true?
To read more, go to: Read My Mind: The Blog
My Intellectual Mind Newsletter
Every Monday, I send out a Newsletter that will update you on changes that have occurred on the Official MIM, new events and book updates. Any special announcements will be given through the Newsletter. Check out the website for information on how to get on the Mailing List so that you can receive the Newsletter.Thank you in advance,
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Internet Superman Syndrome
Internet Superman SyndromeThursday, February 5, 2009
Have you ever noticed how people online tend to be more combative and seem to confront others with ease? Have you ever noticed the many petty arguments that people start? Have you ever seen people cause disruptions for no reason at all? Since I spend a lot of time online, I see these things constantly. It seems as if people have this invincibility characteristic when they are online.
Over the past years, I have come into contact with a range of people. Most of the people I meet are genuine and unique. You learn a lot from these people and you can even have wonderful online friendships. These people tend to come online to get away from every day life. They come online have fun. They get online to interact peacefully with those whom they normally would have no contact. Their purpose is one that is clear. They come online to enhance their lives through peacefully, meaningful and cordial interactions, but there are those that are there for the thrill of seeing others scramble.
In the internet world, those that cause disruptions for no other purpose than to be disruptive are labeled as an internet troll. Trolls peruse forums, groups and chat rooms for vulnerabilities in the conversation. Many times a troll will use a non sequitur as bait to see who will bite. Once they get a bite, they go all out. You begin to see the troll attack others with demeaning and belittling comments. You can visualize how enjoyable this is for the troll....
To read more of this blog, click on: Read My Mind: The Blog
Sunday, February 01, 2009
ApologySunday, February 1, 2009
Lately, life has been an emotional rollercoaster. Life has given been a bunch of twists and turns, and I really have not known how to handle these things as they come. I just have not been prepared for what life has had to offer me recently. I have taken what has come to me, analyzed it and acted on that analysis with emotion. I was recently told that I am hypersensitive sometimes.
Well, because of recent issues, I was able to realize that I may have acted prematurely with others in my life, so I decided to look back through my life and see whether or not that was true. I could only find two people with whom I could have had a little more couth when I interacted with them. I probably could have treated them more like a person that I did, even though my reasons for being upset were valid. These two people were S. and Jenny.
To S.:
I value our friendship, even though I am concerned about some aspects of it. I see you as a great person, but I often get lost in your thinking. I have my concerns when dealing with you and my qualms about your actions and inactions, but I can chalk most of that up to the differences in our cultures—me, being raised in the South, and you, being raised in the North. You are still a great friend.
As I learn more about you, I am wondering who you really are because there are some things that you have said that make me feel like I do not know you. Half of me wants so much of you while the other half wants nothing to do with you. I do not know part I should listen to. I guess I have to see what happens....
To Jenny:
You and I have had our ups and downs in the past. You and I have had good times, bad times and horrible times. You and I meant a lot to each other. You still mean a lot to me. You were my first true love and were that person that I could turn to when no one else was there. You were my all and my everything. You will always be close to my heart.
In the past, I would only deal with you because I was trying to rekindle a relationship. I was upset and frustrated when that never came to fruition. There was a lot I did that did not help any situation. It took me years to get over you. Sometimes I wonder if I truly have and realize that I have. That is why I came to you tonight, expressing how enjoyable it would be to just be friends with you.
I will always consider you a friend. You were always there when I needed you, even when I knew that you did not want to have anything to do with me. I love you for that. You are special. You are someone great. I thank you for all you have done for me in our relationship and out. You are one to be commended for your selflessness, especially when dealing with me.....
To read more of this blog, click on: Read My Mind: The Blog