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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wanda Sykes hits Limbaugh hard!!!

Wanda Sykes compared to Limbaugh to Osama bin Laden. She said that what he said about wanting the Obama administration to fail is treason. It's similar to what bin Laden has been saying. She went on to say that he was actually the 20th hijacker. He was just to strung out on oxycontin and missed his flight.

That is just paraphrasing, but it is still hilarious. Now there's a big fuss over what she said. I don't see an issue with it. Compare what Limpleg says to what she said. Hers was much lighter.

Here's just another example of Republican hypocrisy. They're okay with what Limbaugh says, but not what a comedian says about their big mouthed idiot.


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