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Sunday, May 10, 2009

# New Documentary Names Names on Alleged Closet Homosexual Politicians

It looks like California is at war again over Proposition 8. It looks like those against Proposition 8 are naming names. Are they correct in their assertions? I wonder.

An excerpt from Documentary purports to rip GOP's closet doors:

The film "Outrage," which opens today at the Embarcadero Center Cinema in San Francisco, presents interviews and documentation charging that a number of prominent legislators - including Dreier, the U.S. representative from San Dimas (Los Angeles County), GOPFlorida Gov. Charlie Crist and former Democratic New York Mayor Ed Koch - have remained closeted while publicly opposing legislation on issues such as same-sex marriage, HIV/AIDS funding, and gays in the military.

I have my take on Proposition 8. I believe that we should be fighting for fairness and equality for all. If marriage is deemed to be a term for heterosexuals, then make everyone that is married be joined with a title of Civil Union. I believe that homosexual couples that want to get "married" should be able to. They are tax paying citizens and should be able to reap the same benefits that heterosexual married people get.

If you don't like what it would be called. Let's change the name for all. Fairness and equality is the game.

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