Teetering on the Brink of Despair
Teetering on the Brink of DespairSaturday, January 31, 2009
During these past few days, I have been completely under the weather. I have not been sick per se, but I have been distraught over recent realizations about people, which led me to a deep, disturbing understanding about me and certain relationships I have and had. The gathering of ideas and the conclusions I drew from my analysis culminated in a saddening experience that has either broken or strengthened a friendship that was maturing.
Through constant analysis, I was able to reevaluate my purpose in life and the purpose others have in it. I was able to see clearly the delusions I have had about who people are and what I believe about people in general. I was able to see through the fog that obscured my view and understanding. When the cloud lifted, my world both fell apart and grew to new heights all at the same time. It is a maddening experience.
Every now and then, I get extremely depressed about my life and the path it has gone down. Sometimes these bouts last for days, while other times, they last for weeks. For some reason my discontenting outlook has lasted for a few months. The worst part of it is that I could determine why I was feeling as I did. I was just moseying along, day by day, feeling downtrodden. Not only could I not find figure out why I was down, I could not figure out how to bring myself out of such a rut. It has been miserable to say the least.
My mind, these past few weeks, has been scouring the depths of its being, like a ravenous beast looking for its first meal after traversing the desert for days on end, in order to come to an understanding that would eliminate the horrendous burden placed upon my shoulders. Just when I believe I have completed my long journey through the treacherous heat of despair, I find that what I have clung onto as reality was just an obscure relation between fact and fiction that fallaciously led me down the path of ambiguity. It was a misstep that ultimately made the truth that much more devastating. Questioning the verity of the situation became a necessity and an itch that I could not scratch until my phone call last night.
To read more of today's blog, go to Read My Mind: The Blog.