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Friday, October 02, 2009

President Obama

Now I like the man. He's a cool POTUS. I don't agree with all he's doing but I believe in him. His principals are right even though he is still just a politician. Yes, that is sort of an oxymoron and a conundrum all in one.

The reason for this post is to say that I am so sick of him being the "nice guy." I'm ready for him to be straight forward and blunt. I'm ready for him to ruffle some feathers with his words. I'm ready for him to call some folks out. I'm ready for him to call things like they are. I'm ready for him to let the "ghetto" come out in regards to speaking. I'm just so sick and tired of him talking around what he should be saying.

It's time to start calling people liars. It's time for him to start saying that some of these people are only looking out for the dollar and not the people. It's time to draw the line in the sand straight forward and with no holds bar. It's time.

I can't stand listening to him anymore because it all sounds the same.

What's your view?

David Letterman

So he came out on his show last night making a "joke" and telling a real life recent story about how someone tried to blackmail him and to get it out before the blackmailer did. I listen to this and say, "Who cares!?! I didn't expect less."

I kind of expect that all of the major talk show hosts have had sex with their workers. It's sort of like a rapper after a show. It's not talked about but it seems to be the norm.

What are your thoughts?