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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wanda Sykes hits Limbaugh hard!!!

Wanda Sykes compared to Limbaugh to Osama bin Laden. She said that what he said about wanting the Obama administration to fail is treason. It's similar to what bin Laden has been saying. She went on to say that he was actually the 20th hijacker. He was just to strung out on oxycontin and missed his flight.

That is just paraphrasing, but it is still hilarious. Now there's a big fuss over what she said. I don't see an issue with it. Compare what Limpleg says to what she said. Hers was much lighter.

Here's just another example of Republican hypocrisy. They're okay with what Limbaugh says, but not what a comedian says about their big mouthed idiot.

And, This Is The New Republican Party?

Members of the Republican party are trying something new. They are trying to get away from their old "slash and burn" tactics and are trying to get away from labeling the Democrats as the spending party. It seems like they realize that it's not working.

So how are they showing that they are a better party than the Democrats? Well, they decided to attack President Obama on his choice to add Dijon Mustard to his burger. Now, that is unique.

We all know that they have to do something better than what they have been doing so they can be back on top. Wow!!! Way to go. Attack the POTUS's choice in condiments. What's next? I hope they don't find out that his wife is black. They might have an issue with that.

The Republican Party is scrambling. They keep grabbing at straws but are coming up short. Come on guys. Quit showing idiocy and reverse your hypocrisy first.

The Democrats attacked you on your tea "bag" parties and you attack their choice in mustard. SMH. Continue the great work. If you continue on this track, your lead to the loser's table will only increase. Keep up the great work.

BTW...the tea parties were ingenious. Only the Republican Party can get a group of idiots together to protest the tax cuts the majority of them received. It's amazing to see how you all pulled together a group of people, who got tax breaks, to protest for the rich, whose taxes are going up. I have to give it to you. You all have what it takes to get the ball rolling. (Pssst...if your party is made up of those types, you may want to rethink your strategy.)

Obama Mustard Attack Becomes Full-Blown Right-Wing Talking Point

Hannity Attacks Obama For Putting Mustard On His Burger [UPDATED]

# New Documentary Names Names on Alleged Closet Homosexual Politicians

It looks like California is at war again over Proposition 8. It looks like those against Proposition 8 are naming names. Are they correct in their assertions? I wonder.

An excerpt from Documentary purports to rip GOP's closet doors:

The film "Outrage," which opens today at the Embarcadero Center Cinema in San Francisco, presents interviews and documentation charging that a number of prominent legislators - including Dreier, the U.S. representative from San Dimas (Los Angeles County), GOPFlorida Gov. Charlie Crist and former Democratic New York Mayor Ed Koch - have remained closeted while publicly opposing legislation on issues such as same-sex marriage, HIV/AIDS funding, and gays in the military.

I have my take on Proposition 8. I believe that we should be fighting for fairness and equality for all. If marriage is deemed to be a term for heterosexuals, then make everyone that is married be joined with a title of Civil Union. I believe that homosexual couples that want to get "married" should be able to. They are tax paying citizens and should be able to reap the same benefits that heterosexual married people get.

If you don't like what it would be called. Let's change the name for all. Fairness and equality is the game.

There's a poll in the MIM Forums: # New Documentary Names Names on Alleged Closet Homosexual Politicians

Saudi Judge Okays Domestic Violence

All I can do is SMH. There are so many reports that the Saudi's are trying to curb domestic violence, but you have a judge that seems to have no issues with it. I know their culture is different from ours, but they do see an issue with domestic violence because they've been trying to curb it.

Well, there's a number of reasons why they are covered from head to toe. One reason is because the men don't want their wives to tempt other men. Many feel that a woman is a sensual being and they want to eliminate a lot of the temptation.

There is a level of respect, too. The men highly respect the women. Their culture is one that the males runs the family. There is a level of order that needs to be maintained and a man is held accountable for a disorderly home.

I completely understand where they are coming from. I don't agree with it, but I understand it. We had similar things here in the US. In the US in the past, the man was held accountable for their home. They are still held accountable. The difference between then and now is the feminist movement opened the eyes of many and changed things. They are just going through their changes and it takes time to change and accept the changes.

Can I be upset at what is said? I can, but what's the use? I understand the psychology behind a major change in direction. Eventually, you will see a difference, but that takes time. We've seen it here. There are still people that are abusers. Things take time to change.

I understand what their issues are. Remember, in the past, women weren't treated fairly in courts, so our judges did similar things as this judge without saying it. They would overlook men committing domestic violence by they way they ruled on things. We have to understand that it will take years before things get to where we are, if indeed they are going that direction.

An excerpt from: Saudi judge: It's OK to slap spendthrift wives:

(CNN) -- Husbands are allowed to slap their wives if they spend lavishly, a Saudi judge said recently during a seminar on domestic violence, Saudi media reported Sunday.

Arab News, a Saudi English-language daily newspaper based in Riyadh, reported that Judge Hamad Al-Razine said that "if a person gives SR 1,200 [$320] to his wife and she spends 900 riyals [$240] to purchase an abaya [the black cover that women in Saudi Arabia must wear] from a brand shop and if her husband slaps her on the face as a reaction to her action, she deserves that punishment."

Women in the audience immediately and loudly protested Al-Razine's statement, and were shocked to learn the remarks came from a judge, the newspaper reported.

Arab News reported that Al-Razine made his remark as he was attempting to explain why incidents of domestic violence had increased in Saudi Arabia. He said that women and men shared responsibility, but added that "nobody puts even a fraction of blame" on the men, the newspaper said.

There's a poll in the MIM Forums: Saudi Judge Okays Domestic Violence

WTF? Stamps are going up again. 44 cents on Monday.

Now, I am tired of this going up. Yeah, if you buy a bunch of forever stamps, then you will be safe, but who, in their right mind, would have a room full of forever stamps so that all they have to do is pay 42 cents.

I guess they forgot that we know that when an employee moves and they can't get fair market value for their million dollar homes, the post office pays for it. I guess they want us to pay for their mistakes. I guess they know that there's really nothing we can do but bend over and take it.

The article from Starting Monday, it costs more to mail

(CNN) -- Unless you've got a stash of Forever Stamps sitting around, it might be time for a trip to the post office. The price of mailing a letter jumps 2 cents Monday.

First-class mail will now cost 44 cents for the first ounce. Large envelopes cost twice that, 88 cents. Mailing a postcard will cost 28 cents.

The Postal Service said the price increase, announced in February, is necessary because of rising production costs.

Under law, the price of stamps is not allowed to rise faster than the U.S. consumer price index, which measures inflation.

Forever Stamps allow customers to effectively circumvent price hikes.

Sold for the rate of a first-class stamp, they can be used at any time for a one-ounce letter. The Post Office says it has sold billions since introducing the stamps two years ago.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

WTF: 17 Year Old Girl Arrested For Cursing At A 911 Operator To Help Dying Father In Detroit!

WTF: 17 Year Old Girl Arrested For Cursing At A 911 Operator To Help Dying Father In Detroit! "Are You Going To Swear Again? You Stupid Ass" (Cop Still Had Is Job)

Lincoln Park is filled with a high concentration of black people. My aunt lives there. Imagine what black people have to go through.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Authorities suspect man threw baby from car

An excerpt from Authorities suspect man threw baby from car:

(CNN) -- A Florida man threw a 4-month-old boy out the window of a moving car Tuesday after a fight with the infant's mother, investigators said.

Emanuel Murray's body was found by a passing motorist on Interstate 275 early Tuesday morning, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department said. His mother's ex-boyfriend, 20-year-old Anthony McTear Jr., has been charged with first-degree murder, the department said.

Police went to the mother's apartment about 3:15 a.m. The mother, Jasmine Bedwell, 18, told investigators that McTear hit her several times and threatened "to kill the both of y'all," the sheriff's department said in a statement announcing the charges.

McTear threw a car seat containing the child across the room during the fight, causing the boy to fall onto the apartment's concrete floor, investigators said. He then picked up the boy and drove off in his car, throwing the child out while on the interstate, according to the sheriff's department.

The child's body was found about 4:30 a.m. An autopsy showed the boy died of blunt trauma to the head, the county medical examiner's office said.

Oprah buys the entire US KFC

Go print off your coupons now.

Get two pieces of grilled chicken, two individual sides and a biscuit!

You only have until tomorrow.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Irony: Canadian may have given Swine Flu to his Pigs!!!!!

How ironic is this!?! Pigs in Canada may have caught the Swine Flu from a human. lol.

An excerpt from Canada: Farmer possibly gave swine flu to pigs:

(CNN) -- More than a week after the swine flu outbreak rattled the world, with cases of infected people popping up from Mexico to South Korea, the new virus strain has shown up in a herd of swine.

The catch, Canadian officials say, is that the animals may have caught the flu from a human.

Canadian officials are quarantining pigs that tested positive for the virus -- scientifically known as 2009 H1N1 -- at an Alberta farm in what could be the first identified case of pigs infected during the recent outbreak.

They said the pigs may have been infected by a Canadian farmer who recently returned from a trip to Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak that has sickened more than 680 people.

The farmer "may have exposed swine on the farm to an influenza virus," said Dr. Brian Evans of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

"We have determined that the virus H1N1, found in these pigs, is the virus which is being tracked in the human population," he added.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Facebook shuts down KKK group

Facebook shuts down KKK group

an excerpt:

The Isle of Man is, perhaps, one of the lesser-known parts of the world.

Perched in the Irish Sea, slightly to the left of some of the more miserable parts of England, it is most famous for a motorcycle race in which someone always seems to get killed.

Now the Isle, whose strange three-legged flag looks like something the Masons might appreciate, is famous for something more: a Ku Klux Klan Facebook group.

It seems some wise and sensitive people decided to get together and "Keep the Isle of Man white and free from foreigners." They dubbed themselves the "Isle of Man KKK."

95 deep-thinking humans from the island's population of some 76,000 signed up for this group. One described the group's goal as wanting to "clense (sic) the Isle of Man".

The members left charming messages such as "Damn blacks and indians (sic), coming over here taking our jobs - who the **** do they think they are?"

One might also wonder who the members of the group think they are. According to the local newspaper, the Isle of Man Today, 33 of the KKK members were students at the Ballakarmeen High School.

Perhaps one of them was the bright spark who used a slightly more colloquial version of what is known here in the U.S. as "the n-word."

After Ballakarmeen High School officials got wind of the ill breeze being created by the group, they alerted Facebook, who swiftly (for Facebook) shut the group down.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Little Johnny is back!!!!

from an email

Little Johnny 's at it again..... A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, 'Everyone who thinks they're stupid, stand up!' After a few seconds, Little Johnny stood up. The teacher said, 'Do you think you're stupid, Little Johnny ?' 'No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!'

* * * * * * * * * * *

Little Johnny watched, fascinated, as his mother smoothed cold cream on her face. 'Why do you do that, mommy?' he asked. 'To make myself beautiful,' said his mother, who then began removing the cream with a tissue. 'What's the matter?' asked Little Johnny .. 'Giving up?'

* * * * * * * * * * *

The math teacher saw that little Johnny wasn't paying attention in class. She called on him and said,
' Johnny ! What are 2 and 4 and 28 and 44?' Little Johnny quickly replied, 'NBC, FOX, ESPN and the Cartoon Network!'

* * * * * * * * * * *

Little Johnny's kindergarten class was on a field trip to their local police station where they saw pictures tacked to a bulletin board of the 10 most wanted criminals. One of the youngsters pointed to a picture and asked if it really was the photo of a wanted person. 'Yes,' said the policeman. 'The detectives want very badly to capture him.'Little Johnny asked, 'Why didn't you keep him when you took his picture ?'

* * * * * * * * * *

Little Johnny attended a horse auction with his father. He watched as his father moved from horse to horse, running his hands up and down the horse's legs and rump, and chest. After a few minutes, Johnny asked, 'Dad, why are you doing that?' His father replied, 'Because when I'm buying horses,I have to make sure that they are healthy and in good shape before I buy. Johnny , looking worried, said, 'Dad, I think the UPS guy wants to buy Mom ..'